The comedy of it was alright, I liked it! But when it comes to the animation iself Ive got some comments about it:
"Heretic": The beginning wasnt all that good. The sound overpowered the voices and kind of cancelled out the comedic effect you were trying to show. The voices themselves sounded like the person didnt want to yell out. Like with the 'worting' (lol), it sounded like you were holding back, almost trying to whisper. Also there were too many gradients and radials. You might want to cut down on those a little ;)
"Return to sender": It was good. The backrounds looked great! But whats up with MC's running at the beginning? His upper body made him look like his legs were stiff or something. Too much bobbing left and right. Some of the voices were too quiet to hear. The comedy was a little dry for me. Didn't like it that much, but all and all a good animation!
"Delta Halo": An ok animation. I loved the story though! That was pretty funny XD ! But the character design was bad for my taste. Theres two things about them that I dont like, 1. Heads are too big. I know that may be your style, and Im not trying to correct it, but its just not very human. It looks too ackward :-/ . 2. Their eyes are frickin' huge, man! Whats the deal with their eyes being almost as big as their bodies?! WTF?! But, then again, having small eyes with a head that big would make it look wierd, right? MC's body was also brighter than his head. It would have matched if it was a bit darker! Good job!
"Once again with feeling": I really disliked the beginning to that one. A couple comments, Whats up with the guards? Do they have ants in their pants or something? Their body's (especially their legs) kept figiting and moving around even though they were just standing there. WTH?! Whats the deal with the prophet just sitting there with an unhappy grin on his face while the flood spore comes out of nowhere and attacks him? In fact, why did nothing happen? The gaurds didnt move, there was no voice to say something like "Look out!", just nothing. It came out of nowhere and attacked him. Kind of cutting corners if you ask me! Lastly, the objects and tweens. Most parts in an animation use objects and tweens to easily make movement (like walking) without drawing or redrawing frames, and most animations do it effectively without it being noticable and giving it a natural flow. But this one couldn't quite do it. The tweening was off and the objects were too noticable to be natural. But it made me laugh, so its not all bad :D
"Delusions": Wow. Just wow. That was awesome! I havent laughed like that in a while! Nice! Now I really dont have much to say about this, because it was pretty good! All I have to say is maybe a little character shading? Or at least make them darker because some were too light when they should be a liiiitle more dark. A good example is the Chieften, he could have been a little darker in terms of brightness. Thats about it!
Great work guys!