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holy shit I love you guys.

Seankiely responds:

gee thank you :D


It's funny/entertaining. I changed my clock to 11:59pm on Dec. 24 to see what would happen, and once it reached 0 it just went negative :(. So no surprises or anything... sad face.

DaveCoulierClock responds:

That's a sweet idea. Wish I'd thought of it.


It's really hard to say whether this is good or not. The animation runs smoothly and nicely, but because it was incredibly short I think you should work on it more and then resubmit.

Don't get me wrong, it looks great. But don't submit something good that's only 15 seconds (didn't count) long. Cause you would be MUCH better off if this was something like 2 minutes long.

KaanAngel responds:

Well, I understand what you mean. I didn't have a storyline, so thats why it's so short.
Btw thanks for the 9 =)


Kinda poor work there, although I will admit I at least got a chuckle out of it.

Work done in one hour should not be posted on newgrounds, ever. Gotta put more time and effort into it!

Giantsockmonster responds:

It was supposed to be a short movie...

Favorite Thing

My favorite thing about this whole thing is the fact that you used more frame-by-frame animation rather than the cheap way out of tweening everything. I mean, you did do it, but at least you kept it to obvious stuff like zooming in and making that monster slowly move. So huge props man, good job!

Also, just as a side note, you might want to make your brush smaller when it comes to light and shading. It was a little too bulby ;3.

GoatmanGADs responds:

evidence that I rushed it, you've got a closer eye than most people that have reviewed. Thanks :}

It had something

This seems to be an 'ok' for a pilot. Personally, I thought it was pretty good. Although abit cliche, I'll give you a decent score. As for the animation, it was almost all tweened. Practically tween-rapped if you ask me. Tween tween tween. However, you DID use it effectively, and that gives tweening a good name. So congrats on that, the dialogue saves the rest.

I'm going to sound like an old people but, is it a little too much to ask for a little frame-by-frame now and then? I mean, it may not look as great as tweening AT FIRST but PRACTICE makes huge, and I mean huge, improvements. Frame-by-frame is also so much more vastly dynamic than tweening. And it looks more professional to show yourself trying something hard.

I'm rambling on like an old people aren't I? Sorry, wanted to get my point across. Hope the series goes well! Don't steal ideas, and make some kick-ass animation! :D

Jimtopia responds:

Yeah I really tweened the crap out of this sucker, and you're right I should do more FBF stuff, and I think Fizz is going to be a great series for me to practice FBF on, expect less tweens in episode 2 for sure!


Ok, I wasnt going to write a review, but I will. Mainly because of your attitude towards people.

Heres my review on the animation:
2+ minutes is about the length of the whole thing.
18 seconds is how long your little 'animation' was.
You took up 4.8 mb of space, for something thats not even as long as a minute???
Thats just plain wasteful. I would assume this could take maybe 200 kb. But not that much space. You have to end the animation when its over, not when the music is done. Next time, convert your last frame of ANIMATION into a keyframe and in the actionscript window of that frame, put in 'stop();'. Its very simple, and its saves a ton room.

The action, was pretty bad. In the beginning when the monster was running, nothing moved except him. All that moved were his legs, the explosions, and the clouds in the back. Why not the backround? To make it look like a character is running, you have to make the backround move in the opposite direction of the character.

About the monster's legs, why did they all move at once? There is practically no four legged creature that moves with all four legs at once. Not even a monster with four legs would do that. Wanna know why? Because it would fall over! It just doesnt add up. And dont say something like "well there are some that do", thats not the point. Its not even moving, and the legs are not nearly going fast enough to actually achieve something like that. Hell, not even the cheetah does that! And thats one of the fastest animals on Earth!

Then we go to the creature itself. Its not really detailed, but thats ok. Things dont need extensive detail to be good. Like 'Madness'! In the beginning, all the characters were simply drawn out, and it still looks good today! But do drop the gradients, they look bad on a character. Even on a monster. Remove them.

Now why was the monster in the animation looking at you the whole time? It doesnt even move its head! It just stays the same! Make it look forward, because it doesnt make sense for it to stare at you the whole time.

The plane. It was somewhat decent. Why were the machine guns pointing off in a different direction than the plane itself? Make them point in the same direction the plane is pointing. The glow in the front shouldnt be there. Or at least make it smaller when its firing and make it look like its going outward, not inward. Draw something to makes it look like the plane is actually moving, not just floating up there. Like make some stars in the sky that are moving as the plane flies.

Explosions, they were bad. Im sorry Im not giving you thumbs up everywhere, but you need to know what you did wrong. The explosions were just too simple. Animate your explosions. Make fire burst out the sides, make dirt fly up, draw smoke rising out. Dont just half-ass a little fire with a glow. Making it fade away was the only good part about them. You at least got that right.

Now we go on to the human. He was actually one of the better drawn characters. But his death was just plain boring. People dont want to see a creature jump on his back and have body parts just drop to the ground! They want to see him turn around in fright, try to run away, and see the creature impale him! As he's screaming the creature should like tear him in half and rip off his face! That would be epic! But all I saw was his head and arms fall off, then showing him on the ground with some lines for blood and then some piece of him magically appearing in the creatures hand for him to swallow up! WTF?!

Finally, the backrounds. Please, for the love of anything, make it more than just a rectangle for the grass and the sky! and animate SOMETHING that gives the appearance that the creature is MOVING and not just standing there with his legs slitghtly tweened!

Now your responses to reviews. I wont go all detailed, but you need to chill your ass out. YOU HAVE TO ACCEPT CRITISIZM! If people rate bad ACCEEPT THAT! Just because someone has not submitted, doesnt mean they cant review. If that were true, then we would not have move critics. Thanks!

Little-Red-Bear responds:



It would have been nice if you actually animated it rather than just tween/shape tween everything and add little "expand" or "explode" effects in every bit of text. It was really boring too. Not much was going on.

But dont get me wrong, this is a good start. Just try to do it yourself, rather than having the program do it for you. Because then it doesnt show what you can do, it only shows that you can press a few buttons.

disdude responds:

well not all the effects where just teening, the title effect, when it twitches with the music, was me! and the line tricks had no tweening in it what so ever!

but thanks ill take that into consideration when i make future flash!


It was really choppy. You need to lengthen some shots so that we can see them longer and understand whats going on. The music was ok, but it filled the whole animation. You should probably add voices too if you want the dialogue to seem more real and to help improve lip syncing. Thats it.

canabalistic-pacmen responds:

Thanks for the review sir.


Uhhh... All I can say on this one is wow. That completely blew my mind and totally liquified my kidneys. The most life changing flash of all time... omfg.....

disdude responds:

are we talking about the same thing...? what?

Thanks i guess! thanks a lot lol!

a cup strong enough

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